Campaign Title: The Road Is Not A
Organised by: Something Fishy Committee
for Uber Malaysia
A rough idea of our poster for road
safety awareness
Poster created by Fatyn
Children aged 7-12
- Ayesha Afiqah, a 7 year old girl says her parents always make her
wear the seatbelt. Her parents always wear the seatbelts too. Sometimes her
parents use their smartphones while driving if they are busy with work.
- Joanna Lee, a 10 year old girl says her parents checks their phones for updates. In fact, her parents makes it compulsory for everyone to buckle up in the car. As a final comment to her interview, she advised for all the drivers out there to not drive recklessly because they could also be jeopardizing the lives of other children.
Teenagers aged 13-17
- Like anybody else, Chua Zhi Heng, a 14 year old teenager uses phone
applications such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat during most of his
free time. He has interest in MMORPG games which he consistently plays on
his phone. In actual fact, he is not aware with road safety issues but is
curious whenever he sees an accident. Without checking up online, we asked
if it was possible for him to guess the datum of the frequency of
accidents happening in Malaysia. He replied with “ 2 million ?”. He thinks
accidents happen due to people speeding, driving recklessly, drunk driving
and driving while texting. He commented that by increasing the price of
cars, less people will buy and start using public transportation. He does
not think that the law improves the safety on the road.
- Guangli a 15
year old student says he uses a smartphone as a main media and the social
media that he spends most of his time is on Instagram. Guangli estimated a
number of 2000 car accidents happens annually in Malaysia. After being
told that the accurate statistics were actually 462000 in 2012, Guangli
thinks we can bring this number down by holding up campaigns. He suggested
that the campaigns will help to teach drivers to drive better. On top of
that, Guangli as a teenager, is aware that of the law that without
buckling up as driver he/she will get fined for RM300 and agrees that it
is effective. His last advice to the road drivers is to think before you drive.
Young adults aged 18-21
- Riyadh
Ashiblie, a 20 year old said that he uses Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and
Snapchat as his main usage of social media. When being asked about using
phone while driving, he stated that he only use his phone when there is a
crawling jam.When asked about road safety awareness, he mentioned that it
is not 100% effective for now as there are still reckless drivers out
there on the road. On top of that, he mentioned about introducing dramatic
ads to portray the dangers of reckless driving in every corner of the
media world as part of the changes we should make more to road safety
awareness. He also mentioned that he drives over his speed limit when
- Carmen Chua
Jia Wen, a 20 year old stated that she uses Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram
& most importantly Youtube to get updates on what is happening
recently as her main social media. She admitted to using her smartphone
while driving to reply important messages and to pick up calls (using
loudspeaker) so that she doesn’t have have to hold her phone while
driving. When asked about knowing any basic road safety awareness she
stated that she knows basics road safety such as not to speed, not to run
over red lights, giving out signal when switching lanes, switching on
headlights when it gets dark and putting on seatbelts. She suggested that
people should be more considerate and not use the emergency lanes to avoid
jams and cutting queues are not fair to other drivers that has been
queuing over time. Hit and run cases should also be reduced as for changes
we should make more to road safety awareness.Carmen also admitted to
driving over her speed limit oftenly but nevertheless she keeps her safety
first and she would keep a distance with the car in front to avoid
The statistic results of social media used by young
adults are :
- 87% of adults aged 18-29 use Facebook
- 37% of adults aged 18-29 use Twitter
- 53% of adults aged 18-29 use Instagram
- 23% of Instagram users are high school graduates
- 34% of adults use Pinterest
Therefore, spreading awareness through Facebook might
be the most effective for young adults compared to other social networks.
Information source:
Statistics of road accidents:
Problems to be solved:
- Drivers not
wearing seatbelts while driving - implement warning sound when driver and
passenger aren’t wearing seatbelt in all types of vehicles
- Drivers not
giving signals before switching lanes - emphasise on giving out signals
when being educated in driving school and the risk of not giving out
- Drivers
texting while driving - people who multitask when driving is definitely a
risk taker
- Drivers are
usually sleepy due to lack of sleep and hence they tend to lose
- Condition of
the roads
- Condition of the car
Short term:-
- Free car inspections for carpoolers when parking at a carpool zone. This would encourage people to carpool thus decreasing the number of cars on the road.
- 3D art on
the road (Gives out an illusion that will make you slow down your vehicle)
- Prioritize carpool parking (When there is 3 or more people in a car, they are given priority parking at the carpool zone)
(Strategic) Long term:-
- Uber Malaysia collaborating with major car companies /Advancement of technologies (constant diagnosed inspection)
- ‘Uberpool’
flat rates
- Liaise with
driving schools to assist with better and proper education
(Management by Objectives) MBO:-
- Manage a survey about road safety and compose the
results to focusing more on the responses.
- Gather views and feedbacks from social media like
Facebook and Youtube.
- Organise road safety activities for young
generation to expose them to safety precautions.
- Reach our goal of getting 8000 Facebook likes on our page
- "Are you ready to take the guilt?" - Don't drink
and drive
- "You can't U-turn when you get into an accident." - Be more aware
- "The gas pedal is not a toy." - Do not speed
Overall message
Social Media Platforms
According to The Star, Malaysia has the highest number of road deaths in South-east Asia with a number of 25 deaths out of 100,000 people. Question is, why make it worse by tainting the roads with irresponsible drivers? Let's make a change together!
Social Media Platforms
1. Instagram – Advertising through pictures
that would hopefully catch someone’s eye
2. Twitter – Can help us to share ongoing news and other people can retweet about it and make it trend.
3. Facebook – Visit the page and get feedback through shares, likes and comments.
4. Line – Advertisement
5. YouTube – Unskippable commercials, partnerships with well - known YouTubers
2. Twitter – Can help us to share ongoing news and other people can retweet about it and make it trend.
3. Facebook – Visit the page and get feedback through shares, likes and comments.
4. Line – Advertisement
5. YouTube – Unskippable commercials, partnerships with well - known YouTubers
The Grand Plan
- Create a road safety carnival ( provide free T-shirt ). Malaysians love free stuff, thus this will get the public’s attention.
- Gain feedback through Facebook by the number of likes, shares and comments as a gauge to evaluate the success of our PR campaign
- Interviewing people and getting their opinions
and reviews concerning road safety awareness
- 6000-6500 likes on our Facebook page
(Potential) Results
- Less accidents on the road
- Number of death decreased
- An increase in the number of carpool rate